Polk RM 3000 Monitor Series 2: 3.5 inch Refoam Kit (F3-3)


Fits Polk RM 3000 Monitor Series 2.
A – O.D. of the surround = 3.36″
B – Roll ends = 3.03″
C – O.D. of the cone = 2.52″
D – I.D. of the surround = 2.28″


Polk RM 3000 Monitor Series 2: 3.5 inch Refoam Kit

This kit will fit Polk 3.5″ speaker models that have an angled attachment to cone.
Check for correct dimensions.

Model #’s include:
Polk RM 3000 Monitor Series 2 and woofer part # is RD0303-2

Each Refoam Kit includes all the materials needed to repair two (2) speakers:
– Refoaming Instructions
– 2 Foam Surrounds
– 1 Bottle of Specially Formulated Foam Surround Adhesive

*These speakers are easy to refoam and to center by hand.

A – Outside diameter of the surround = 3.36″
B – Roll ends = 3.03″
C – Roll starts / O.D. of the cone = 2.52″
D – Inside diameter of the surround = 2.28″

Weight 0.25 lbs
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